Awakening the Capacity Spiritual Retreat
There’s a purpose for your life just waiting for you to embrace it. Life is designed to get better as you step further into the unique talent you were born to express. Deeper wisdom and greater mastery are all accessible to you. All you have to do is pause, pay close attention, and clear the way.
Ready to awaken your capacity for wisdom and mastery? Then join us in the beautiful nature of Idyllwild for this retreat designed to guide you to clear the things in your way. We’ve created a full weekend using modalities to help you clear the roadblocks that stand between you and deeper connection to your higher self, increased joy, happiness and deeper love.
Can you pause your busy life for three days to restore, balance and reconnect with your true desires? As the world reopens from 2020, we’re called on to step up and contribute to the new canvas of life. In order to be able to dig deep and cast your brilliant brush stroke, you’ve got to put yourself first, take care and ready yourself for a bigger chapter.
Whether you’re interested in welcoming your inner spiritual warrior, releasing the binds of your past, or just rejuvenating in a mindful place, you’ll find what you need.
What is included: