Empress Equinox Empress Rising
Woman…. Step into sisterhood sensually and ceremoniously as we come together in our sovereignty.
Rise into your Empress Power!
3:00pm Greetings – Itinerary and sultry goodies! (selenite, Palo Santo, rose and lavender bundle. Red candle, paper, pencil)
3:15pm Come to circle sanctuary
3:25pm Consume Maca root adaptogenic chocolates to increase libido and activate innate sensual presence.
3:35pm Nordic Drum and Song – We Are The Seed by Sami Kaye
4:00pm Speaker: Sami Kaye
4:30pm Speaker: Rachel Lundberg
4:45pm Breathwork (RL)
5:00pm Self sensual embodiment (RL)
5:10pm Fluid freedom movement dancing (Rachel Lundberg)
5:45pm Featured Speaker: Christina Sutra – Sensual Painting
6:45pm Social activity (ethereal chord development, law of attraction demonstration with yarn – great distanced activity)
7:15 pm Q&A and incantation writing with candles and wand Bundle
7:30pm Dinner – handcrafted light and nutrient dense food
7:30pm Dinner Performers: Belly dancers, Jordan Sun and Amrita
8:30pm Cacao Ceremony: Sami Kaye
8:45pm Sound bath / crystal bowls: Laura Li Fong
9:45 pm Laughter Yoga: Sami Kaye
10:00pm Conclude
*** This is a Blue attire event! Please show up wearing your favorite shade of blue like the adored goddess you are! Wear a big extra dress if it makes you feel like an Empress coming to her throne! We are all showing up in our devine and adorned selves***