Himalayas Free Intro Talk

  • Thursday, April 6, 2023 - Monday, May 8, 2023
Himalayas Free Intro Talk


Ramakrishna Ananda

Ramakrishna has been taking pilgrims on power journeys to India for over 20 years with amazing results. His teacher Sri Kaleshwar is what Paramahamsa Yogananda referred to as a ‘Yogi-Christ’ of India who revealed ancient teachings that had been kept secret and passed down through a living lineage for many, many thousands of years.  

As we are now entering the darkest part of the darkest age, Sri Kaleshwar’s dharma was to spread this master-level knowledge for the creation of supernatural healers, yogis, and siddhas. Ramakrishna spent 15 years living in India studying at the feet of this enlightened master. 

Ramakrishna is the Co-Founder of Paramashiva Center for Soul Knowledge where he teaches ancient healing and enlightenment techniques as shared by his Guru, Swami Kaleshwar.


Bhramari has been planning and coordinating power journeys with Ramakrishna for the past six years. She works closely with Ramakrishna in planning every aspect of the journeys to ensure travelers have the best possible experience—from exploring its spiritual treasures to having healthy and safe foods, to finding the best accommodations possible.

She brings a warm heart, deep love and respect for India, and she works tirelessly so we may experience the treasures India holds for all of us!  She will be your main point of contact for planning your journey.  She invites anyone interested to book a free consultation with her or to contact her via email at bhramari@sacredindiajourneys.com.


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