Healed By Love: Live

  • Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - Sunday, October 29, 2023
  • Matt Kahn Fall 2023 Tour Dates
Healed By Love: Live

Healed by Love: LIVE — Come together. Feel together. Heal together.

Healing crisis. Unexpected loss. Reoccurring patterns in our relationships and emotions. A seemingly mass exodus of those close to us. Spontaneous knowing. A sense of a greater purpose for ourselves in the world. A profound inner knowing of being prepared for a deeper mission. Brain fog. Sleep disruption. Tingles in the head and zaps throughout the body. All of those are signs of an awakening of higher consciousness. It is a cosmic shift occurring throughout the world as humanity undergoes a long-awaited transition into higher levels of human potential. No matter the stage of awakening you are navigating, the time is now to move beyond the patterning of the human condition and into a new reality of freedom, connection, and divine embodiment.

This process of moving beyond the patterning of familial and societal conditioning is the central theme in all healing journeys. The more each human being expands their consciousness through the journey of healing, the more directly our world transforms; resolving wounds of the past, reversing all degrees of climate change, and living in a world where resources and opportunity are available for all.

In support of your personal healing journey and the advancement of global expansion, BrightStar has come together in collaboration with best-selling author, empathic healer and YouTube sensation, Matt Kahn, to create the most impactful, heart-nourishing, and awe-inspiring group healing events. Join Matt as he offers direct transmissions of healing energy, soul-nourishing wisdom channeled specifically for those in attendance, experience palpable shifts of transformation in real time that has made Matt one of the 100 most spiritually influential people on Earth.

This group healing event is a sacred opportunity to directly experience the healing of old wounds, the release of stagnant emotional blockages, and find spontaneous resolution to lifelong patterns and inner conflict while gaining renewed clarity for enhanced life purpose and direction, and the activation of your own dormant intuitive gifts. Join with other empathic beings from all corners of the globe to connect heart-to-heart and experience first-hand — no matter the circumstance you’re facing, there is no wound that love can’t heal.


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