Spontaneous Awakening: Unwind the Mind
Quantum Healing
Breakthrough limiting subconscious patterns and past emotional memory. By locating and neutralizing core patterning, the mind no longer has anything to hook into and cause stress. Unless you’ve done spiritual enlightenment or cognitive work on yourself, your subconscious mind is controlling your life.
Healing calls address earlier life and ancestral programming. During healing calls, limiting beliefs are neutralized, and new pathways are created to attract self-enhancing life experiences and love into your life. Breakthrough the lower mind’s blocks and gain more control over repetitive thinking and reduce stress and fear. Connect with personal truth. Feel empowered.
- Unhook the mind from old patterns
- Unlock your psyche and liberate limitation
- Release the past and come fully into the now time
Unwind the Mind
Mental thinking is tightly wound, many beliefs create rigid thinking. During healing calls, subconscious patterns are located and brought into conscious awareness, and the original hurt begins to unwind. Breakthrough the lower mind and hold new patterns to elevate your consciousness.
Her work accelerates meditation and personal growth by accessing core patterns that make up the foundation of thinking and being. Next time you encounter similar situations, the mind won’t re-hook into the old wounds, and you move forward with ease.
April 9-Doing Something Wrong Pattern–
This subconscious pattern is part of the shame and guilt patterning you became acquainted within childhood. As adults, it often stops you from moving forward with life because you believe you are doing something wrong.
Where did the pattern begin? It occurred the very first time you were yelled at or punished for doing something but never told what it was. This action leaves the child stunned and emotionally frozen, and trauma sets in. Moving forward in life, anytime you feel fear or traumatized, the mind reverts to this emotional memory, and you experience anxiety, fear of the unknown, and feel stuck.
Why release patterns?
Subconscious patterning doesn’t disappear by itself. To live a healthy and happy life and to quiet the mind, you want to consciously address the core patterns. Plus anyone on the path to Enlightenment wants to resolve any mental attachments.
Group Healing Calls
During the group healing call, your mind is seen as a garden, and the weeds are located and pulled (limiting beliefs), and new seeds for manifestation are planted. You’ll feel the impact of the healing the following day and moving forward.
About KumariDevi
KumariDevi is a Master Emotional Healer with peerless intuition and thirty years of experience. She wrote the Codes of Light: The Power of Beliefs and leads life-changing meditation retreats around the world. Her silent mind connects into the Infinite Wisdom field–electromagnetic grid. On group healing calls, she partners with the collective subconscious field and has the ability to alter the field with her liberated mind. She locates the precise subconscious patterns and unwinds the energy, old wounds release, and your mind is liberated from an emotional memory.