Valentine's Day Live Channeling: On "Being Love"
Becoming Grace, Forgiveness & Love
This Valentine’s Day Study with Spirit™ experience will include channeling of the Ascended Masters and the Angel Chamuel to address your most pressing questions on Grace, Forgiveness and Love. How to become it. How to BE it. How to embrace all that they are, every single day. It is about stepping into your Higher Self’s calling and innate wisdom.
Energy transmissions and healing will be part of the experience.
We will bridge Science and Spirituality. There’s no religious dogma in anything we do. Join us for an experiential and transformative journey on Sunday, February 14, 2021.
Your Study with Spirit™ Teachers
Your teachers for the Study with Spirit™ courses come from both the human plane and other dimensions. As a couple, we act as vessels to collectively bring forth higher dimension ‘beings’ to teach and heal through us.
We tap into those hidden and inner worlds that shamans and spiritual masters so often speak of and innately know – it is in this world of “Spirit” or “Higher Dimensions and Realms” where ancient knowledge and healing takes place, working through the body which merely acts as a vessel for what appears to be transcendent to our human senses.
Call them what you may – guardians, elementals, spirits, ancestors, helpers, or angels, or cosmic forces for good – the combined energies of all show up for both teaching and healing, without religious dogma or structured belief systems.
During this four week course, energy transmissions and healing will be part of each class.
Our Philosophy
As we emphasized above, there is no religious dogma in any of our work — we support all faiths, beliefs and walks of life. Our mission is to help accelerate global consciousness for those yearning for a deeper exploration of spirituality & to better understand how mindfulness & a spiritual life can transform who we are and everything around us. We embrace & honor all divine walks of life, whether you stem from Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Shamanism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Paganism or perhaps none of the above & you simply meditate, connect to yoga and have faith in Mother Earth.
If you consider the truth that we are all made up of energy, then it becomes much easier to come to terms with the idea of energy “light beings” existing outside of time, space and the only dimension we are aware of — the one where we exist in our human bodies.
Our hope & intent is that you leave feeling renewed & more awake to your Higher Calling & Purpose. All of us have intuitive gifts as well as the ability to heal — we will help you ignite these treasures from within!
About Renee & Anthony
As healers and channelers, together as a couple, we bring forth the wisdom of a higher consciousness and gnostic teachings from Ascended Masters and beyond to teach and to heal.
We hold Blue Soul Circles™ workshops, and retreats to sacred places around the world as well as teach & channel Study with Spirit™ courses, both on and offline. We also offer an advanced program called Blue Soul MASTERS™ for those who want to dive deeper into their spiritual practice.
Our intent is that you leave feeling renewed & more awake to your Higher Calling & Purpose. And, our hope is that you ignite your Soul’s Purpose while re-integrating activities and rituals in your life you may have left behind, and add new ones that support your deeper calling in order to move past negative patterns that prohibit you from living a joyful live.
Find out more at and on Instagram @bluesoulearth.