1:30 pm to 3:00 pm / William Henry PLASMA TECHNOLOGY, PLASMA BEINGS AND THE PLASMA UNIVERSE Whether in the form of healing wands or lightning vajras, crowns, robes, thrones or chariots of light, the ancients believed the awakened human has wielded the power of plasma and encode this belief in art and story. William Henry takes you on an astonishing journey to the ancient world in search of the secrets of the sacred science of plasma technology and plasma beings capable of projecting their consciousness throughout multiple dimensions simultaneously while creating any kind of body they may choose to inhabit (but especially choosing female ones). This mysterious “cosmic species” is hidden in many of the world’s religious and mythological traditions. Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey (whether on earth or ‘out there’)? The journey begins here.