Angel Academy 12 - Holding Space For a New Humanity
8-Week Telegathering Series with Matt Kahn
This includes mp3s of all calls, including teachings and Q&As answering your biggest life questions. Previous attendance in the other Angel Academy series is not required. Come as you are.
$111 price for the entire series!
At a time when humanity seems to have entered a very dark hour of existence, it provides fertile soil for a rebirthing of heart-centered power–made manifest into form by a Source utilizing your human vessel as the space through which our new humanity is born.
During a pivotal time in our Earth’s history, the time has come for each of us to step into our highest living potential, not as a means of achievement, but to become the exact version of ourselves capable of walking this planet in full allegiance and alignment with the light awakening in all.
To help activate the power of your own inner healer, to learn how to interact with others from a space of authentic presence and peace, and to become the very solutions our world yearns to discover please join us for this powerful 8-week program.
Angel Academy 12 will serve as an exploration into the new spiritual paradigm with new insights, energetic transmissions, daily practices, and functional processes to help you:
- Become more empowered at a time of global crisis and beyond
- Embody the uniqueness of your light no matter the experiences of others
- Learn how to hold immaculate space for yourself, your loved ones, and your evolving world
- Communicate more consciously without needing to establish a common ground of viewpoints
- Explore the incredible difference of living as consciousness, instead of trying to enhance or maintain a more conscious persona.
Here is a taste of what is inspiring YouTube viewers to join “The Love Revolution” to uplift the whole planet!
Q: Are these calls different than the YouTube videos?
A: Yes, most definitely! Every time Matt speaks he brings through new teachings that are spontaneous and intuitively perfect for the individual and collective journey in the moment. The Angel Academy includes the most up-to-date energy transmissions, as Matt is regularly going through energetic upgrades (which he calls “downloads”) in order to offer what he provides at the deepest and highest level.
There is a Q&A on almost every call, which is a lovely interactive component that is not only a great dose of heart-opening joy but also prompts new teachings to rise to the surface. Outside of the 5-day Retreat events, the Angel Academies are Matt’s favorite events to offer because of how life-changing each one is, and life’s Divine surprises along the way.
Q: When I will receive the call-in details?
A: All the call-in access details will be sent to you January 25th. Your confirmation email telling you that you are registered, and the call access code emails (sent in January) will be sent to the email address you used to register for the program here in BrightStar Events (e.g. if you register with your Hotmail address, please check your Hotmail inbox for our emails).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The emails with your call details will be coming from Matt Kahn All For Love. Be sure to look for our Angel Academy emails in your junk/spam/clutter/promotions folder first before getting in touch with us to provide an alternate contact email address if needed.
Q: Do I Call in By Phone, or Can I Call In On My Computer?
You can listen to the telegatherings (these are audio only) by either phone or computer. There will be a teleconference phone line to call in on with an access code and a password code. The phone number and codes will be the same numbers throughout the series. We will have local dial-in numbers across the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia, and other European countries, plus U.S. callers will have toll-free phone access. You can also listen through your computer via the webcast from anywhere in the world. The webcast links will change for each call and will be provided 24 hours before each call. We are using
Q: What Are All the Live Call-In Dates?
A: The call dates for the whole series are as follows:
Please use a time converter for other time zones: Time Zone Converter
#1 – Tues, Jan 26, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#2 – Tues, Feb 2, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#3 – Tues, Feb 9, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#4 – Tue, Feb 16, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#5 – Tues, Feb 23, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#6 – Tues, Mar 2, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#7 – Tues, Mar 9, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
#8 – Tues, Mar 16, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific time /5pm MT /6pmCT /7pm ET
Q: What is included in my Angel Academy 12 registration?
A: Your registration includes all of the live calls with Matt for 8 weeks. It also includes:
- All 8 recordings from the calls to listen to as often as you wish
- The chance to ask a question during the live calls
- The opportunity to hear the depth of the Q&A dialogues
- 1 hour’s worth of the latest intuitive, spontaneous teachings, healings, and activations per call
- The chance to be in the on-going healing energy provided to support your journey of awakening
- Access to Matt’s highly-attuned intuition – which of course offers you an even greater opportunity to allow yours to blossom as well!
Q: REPLAYS — What if I Cannot Listen to All the Calls Live? Do I Get Recordings of the Calls?
A: Absolutely! Whether or not you can attend some or all of the calls live, you will have full access to each call’s replay, and you will also receive all of the mp3 recordings for the whole series to listen to and re-listen to at your convenience. The live event web page becomes the replay page automatically right after each call ends so you can re-listen to it right away! Once the series is underway, the audios will be added to your account on our website.
Q: Can I join the Angel Academy 12 even if it’s already underway?
A: Yes, registration stays open until the last call in the series. If you’ve missed any of the previous calls, you will still have full access to each call’s replay links and from those replay pages, you can download each of the call’s mp3 recordings to re-listen at your convenience. You will receive links to all previous calls, plus the call-in details for the remaining live upcoming calls.
Q: How Can I Ask a Question?
A: You can hit *2 on your phone’s keypad to get into the queue for the chance to ask your question when it is announced that we are taking questions. You can also type them in the box during the webcast or on the pre-event page. Due to the size of the groups we are serving at this time, Matt will not be accepting any questions before or after the calls via email. Questions will ONLY be answered at the time of the Q&A during this telegathering.
Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You and The Universe Always Has A Plan. He is a spiritual teacher and highly attuned empathic healer who serves the awakening and evolution of all sentient beings through his heart-centered offerings. His global audience is finding the support they seek to feel more loved, awakened, and empowered to the greatest possibilities in life during this critical time in history.
Matt’s spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-body experience in early childhood, and through his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangels throughout his life. Using his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt brings forth revolutionary teachings through both the written and spoken word that assists energetically sensitive beings in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.