Motivation Circuit #1 - MovePDX

  • Saturday, April 10, 2021
  • 10:30am - 1:30pm
  • Mt Tabor Park, Portland, OR
Motivation Circuit #1 – MovePDX

Movement is a direct channel to physical and mental well-being! Spring is ready for you to take action and reactivate your body!

This April 10th, meet the coaches from Move PDX for an experience moving your body, breathing with intention, and sitting with your highest potential.

Friends! As some of you know I am the yoga coach at @americantopteampdx and operate my studio @movepdx_ outside of our training center here in Portland.

Here we specialize in scientific approaches to movement, alignment, foot brain connection, and yoga! We are starting a workshop for teens through our teen connect program called, “Movement and Mindfulness based stress reduction for teens.” This workshop is integrating tools and techniques from neuroplasticity, movement biology, and breathwork combined with some quantum techniques, to help them to Move through the many stress triggers they could be experiencing right now. The teens are being left behind in much of the chaos that has been happening and we cannot just let them get lost to the wayward! We @movepdx_ are putting on a recurring outdoor event to raise the funds for this program. It will be a monthly event and moving around to other places with a varying set of movement to keep things interesting and fun! I just wanted to drop this flyer here to anyone who is interested in attending and contributing to a really great cause! There’s an option to donate at checkout if you would rather donate than attend. 

We invite you to a spring to the top of mount tabor where we will warm our bodies as follows:

10:30am Arrive

10:45am Trek 

11:00am Stair Sprints

11:30am Fitness – Calisthenics, HIIT

* All exercises done in place within spacial distancing

11:55am BREAK

12:00pm Yoga & Qi Gong

1:00pm Laughter Yoga

* Seated in Large Socially distanced circle

1:15pm Breath-work / Meditation

1:30PM Conclusion 

* We will distance people out of the park 5 groups of 4 


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